Thursday, April 30, 2009

crimes and torts

Bribery- CrimeIllegal Gambling- CrimeIllegally tampering with evidence- CrimeFake contract- TortVandalism- TortPurgery- CrimeSexual harassment- TortUnder aged driving- CrimeNo seatbelts- CrimeVehicles not registered- CrimeAssault- TortUnlicensed driving- CrimePossession of firearms- CrimeSpeeding- CrimeReckless driving- CrimeReefer- CrimeEvading arrest-CrimeLittering- Crime

TEAM: Robin, Alex, Christine, Art

Thursday, April 23, 2009

comments to others

True that laws are meant to protect and the reason i mainly think that the reason americans turn so badly against gun laws whether to restrict or allow is because we are americans and we like to stretch our right to talk and come up with any reason to argue just for argueing. Americans really do not like change. We are a sue happy country some people really do not care what happens to others. The thing about Switzerland is the gun tolerance there is part of their culture just like in Amsterdam and their young drinking age and its americans who cause the most troubles in other countries.You made your point clear at the top of the page how our system is corrupt but I lose you throughout the rest of the paper of your reasons why it is corrupted. I think it is becuase you have to many examples and your examples aren't proving your point.
I don't think we would need a new branch of government because just forming that would go against the constitution. It would probably take years just to form this um I don't even know what to call this law checking group. Who would be brought into this group and would they have to be elected into office. Besides that I believe it is the judicial branch purpose is to enforce the law and maybe they should make their own division and refine and interpret these laws.

I do agree that the law is a great thing and most make sense and are for the good and few are just plain dumb your blog is well written and your view is easily readable.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I think about the law

I think the law is a mandatory thing to make a society to be known as civilized. What is the law but men coming up with reasons to keep control of the masses and keep them from revolt or doing anything stupid such as murders and starting fires. If we didn’t have police officers would it still only be the ‘bad people” stealing or people knocking off other people every time someone pissed them off or was just having a bad day. Another point would be there would still be an alpha male either controlling by fear or by respect. Wouldn’t you prefer to have chosen someone who can take the lead of the group or by the only person who has the gun or higher power and he takes the lead because no one is willing to stand up?

How laws can be passed can be really difficult, I believe it is too difficult. The law, government and congress are all difficult subjects to deal with or amend. With America we like a majority rule, well I think that’s a great idea but it should be a high majority at least forty percent of the civilization if there are more than two candidates to take the leadership. Same thing goes for passing bills but it’s more like seventy percent of the voters which is incredibly difficult because there are always two side of every story. Now at times the law or government can seem very dumb or the interpretation of a law is nothing close to what I or you might interpret.

I still strongly believe that the law can stimulate people with fear of consequence and that we actually need laws because one will always affect us and that’s gravity. Since we live in nature and nature has her laws of her own it makes sense for us to have our own. The law helps and everyone should be able to see that. If you can’t sorry you still have to live with and you’re only going to make your life feel worst.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I think about Lawyers

The thing about lawyers is they have a possibility to gain a huge income from one client because of the average cost for a lawyer. A forty percent fee on average I just have to say “unbelievable” but what do they do to deserve such an income. Lawyers understand the law and defend their client my main question is what do lawyers go through to win a case to earn such a large gross pay.

I personally think they don’t work hard at all, if any work that needs to be done would be pushed on some of their lackeys who do not present well in court. What research do they go through, how many hours spent, is any sleep lost, do they feel stressed during these times, who else gets a cut of the pay, do they receive full pay, does anyone else help with any problems or struggles these lawyers may go through. If they do go through struggles, have stress about the case, or go a day without sleep do lawyers still deserve to take forty percent of the client’s profits if their side wins. Even if the client does not win the trial does the lawyer still get paid something for his time I would assume, yes lawyers would still receive compensation.

I have no idea what to think about lawyers about whether they work hard or are lazy, or if they should work for a known guilty person. Who I am to say lawyers should only defend the good side they might have families to feed and the defendants they have are for sure guilty. I still have many questions about lawyer’s about work studies, stress life, moral beliefs whether or not to defend the good guy or which is the good guy.
yum yum yum donuts are good yum yum yum