Thursday, May 28, 2009

Case Progress

My case progress is going well I think I just have not started. I have done a couple of hours of research all online I would know if they would have published books on Supreme Court cases maybe some of the more famous cases. I have many links to choose from and at least half of them should be reliable and half of those I will actually use. I still need to do more research but I believe I will have a great start on this final even though I haven’t started the first part and it is now past due I still have a great feeling that I am going to do just fine.
What I plan on doing with the fifteen hundred word essay I think it would be best to have it broken up into the seven parts and each part having roughly about two hundred words and one of the seven parts will be about three hundred words. Two hundred words does not seem like much to cover each section especially when it is filled with two or three quotes that could take up half of the paragraph. I have a lot planned for the project and I won’t fall behind for sure and catch up shouldn’t be too hard though it probably will not be in today but tomorrow it will most likely be posted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

rights of landlord

My rights as a property owner I believe are basically if my tenant pays and keeps the noise down for respect of the other residents and does cause damage to the room then I am fine I don’t bother him until the rent is due. If anything the tenant does offends me or distrupts the other residents then I take steps to search out the problem and attempt to fix it, if I can’t fix the problem and it continues then next step for me is to bring in the authorizes, and if they can’t do anything to help me then I talk to a lawyer about this problem and also with the police officer and any questions about laws that might stop me from kicking out this rude tenant. Then kick this guy or residents out of the house and say good ridence to them. It really should be that simple as the owner doesn’t like someone they should have the right to not allow them to stay in their home it is their property. If he will absolutely not leave then I will take the residedents to court and file as many charges against the residents and hope most hit them hard. If it turns out that I had done something wrong and broke some of the residents then whatever get up, dust off your pants and try again.
I do not know the rights that the owner would have on his house but it would be smart of him to have a general idea of these rules for what he can and cannot do. The owner should really be careful of scandals that might destroy his business or cause him to go crazy. The owner I believe should have strong rights as to what can go on throughout his home so he can settle disputes.

3's about me

3’s about me
Three Names I have been called: Robin, Robby, Superman
Three Jobs I have had in my life (include unpaid if you have to): maid, cashier, big brother
Three Places I Have Lived: Harlingen, Texas; las vegas, florida
Three TV Shows that I watch: Big Bang Theory, Naruto, Spongebob Squarpants
Three places I have been: six flags, Disney World, Universal Studios
People that e-mail me regularly: Ailv, Dictionary, Borders
Three of my favorite foods: Lasagna, Sloppy Joes, Pizza
Three cars I have driven: Taurus, Mustang, Station wagon
Three things I am looking forward to: Study abroad this fall, end of Political issues class, tonight’s free food.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Greed is Good EOC

Greed is Good

We cannot deny that greed is good. It brings competition throughout business. Being the consumer we are greedy in the way of looking for a compromise between cheaper prices but also looking for a great quality for the price. Americans are lucky we get dozens of choices to choose from, though we may be looking for one item like shampoo we get to choose from the Walmart that might be a few blocks away, or a Target, and more smaller stores I pretty sure you can think of. Thanks for those greedy business men they want our money so badly in order to compete with the other dozen stores which might be placed in the same plaza they must lower prices, deal with great customer service and other nonsense that make us, the consumer, happy. Yay us!

The great down fall for those small businesses that try to make a name for themself have to compete with the greats. Meaning it’s not that they do not try hard enough but it could be that the new small businesses have no chance of competing with the big leaguers. When the big leaguers start to slide what are they to do but cut their expenses somewhere and most will take it from their work force or benefits that they might have but is that fair. I would say it is fair I rather have some benefits cut then my job lost or other employees getting laid off because wants to keep some of us safe but it has always be up to management to solve the problem so how each company works it is their business.

I know nothing of wall street or stocks all I know is buy when they are cheap, keep when your down, sell when there is profit to be made.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I agree with what the court had ruled. A student was at a school event and he made a banner to show. I do not know how else this banner could have been interpreted any other way other than promoting drug use. The boy, Friedrich, banner clearly stated “Bong Hits for Jesus”. Bong hits clearly displays the use of drugs and the use of drugs for any cause whether good or bad still requires the use of drugs, which is against law. I don’t know why the boy would even bring it up at a school function and what point he was trying to get across as the meaning of his banner.

The argument between the teacher, Morse, and the boy, Friedrich, was Friedrich felt that his 1st amendment right was abused because Morse had confiscated his banner from him and was not able to express himself following the event he was also suspended for displaying the banner at a school campus.

What I do not get is the only point having Friedrich’s constitutional right violated and let off the hook was that he was at a school event. Since he was at a school event with teachers supervising the teachers were allowed to confiscate his banner and restrict him from speaking because he may have been promoting but if he had been anywhere else it would have been perfectly fine for him to do what he did.

All I have to say is why do people always think they have a right to do whatever they want or a right to do get away with anything they do. We were all given a brain and a mouth that shuts why don’t we try to think a little more and talk a little less.